Emergency Response to flash floods and landslides along Lake Kivu

On 5th May 2023, following two days of torrential rain, catastrophic flash floods and landslides struck several areas along the shores of Lake Kivu. The worst affected place was Bushushu where the number of victims was increased due to the disaster striking on market day. Over 600 people are known to have died, with many more still unaccounted for. Many hundreds of families were left homeless, bereaved and destitute.

The immediate response of ACC’s affiliated coffee cooperatives, whose members bore the grunt of this devastation, was to consult together and with their long-term market partners see what the most effective response might be. Within three days, under the leadership of KACCO, High Grounds, On The Ground Global, African Coffee Connect and Atlas Coffee Importers in Seattle, an approach was agreed and fundraising was set in motion.

A week later $12,000 was sent to be administered by On The Ground with the cooperatives to distribute emergency cash payments to 600 of the worst affected households. Cash was chosen because it was the speediest and most effective means to enable the disaster victims to start to provide for their immediate needs (food, medicinal treatment and clothes), while the aid agencies carried out their assessments and preparations. Distribution has now been completed (by May 25th).

This immediate, practical and well executed response has been commanded by the local Congolese authorities. It has also demonstrated the effective capacity of the cooperatives to respond to their members needs and those of the community. At such a time of great stress, it has also shown the value of the strong bonds that connect the cooperatives and their importer and roaster buyers.

To read an article written by Susan Heller Evenson, from Atlas Coffees Importer, on the Daily Coffee News website

On The Ground’s campaign page


2023 Specialty Coffee Association Expo