
Coopade's slogan, ‘Development, our concern,’ is being lived out through improvements to everything from the quality of their coffee, to access to drinking water, to the status and role of women in the community.

Founded in

Farms are located in the Lubero area, bordering Virunga National Park

1,200m to 2,210m

3,909 producers (956 women and 2,953 men)

Green coffee production capacity / year
840 tonnes

Average size of land per farmer
0.37 hectares

Blue Mountain, Katwai, Rumangaboo

K3, K4, Natural, K5,

Organic, Utz, Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade

Coming soon…

Video from Coopade

Commune Mususa, Ville de Butembo, Province du Nord-Kivu

Management team
1 manager & 2 assistants, 1 board of directors, 1 finance manager & 1 cashier, 1 marketer

Technical team
17 agronomists & 1 quality manager, 3 to 5 technicians in washing stations during harvest time

16 mini washing stations of which 6 are run by the women’s section

Main harvest period
September to December

Export period of main harvest
October to February

Fly crop harvest period
March to June

Fly crop export period
April to July


The Cooperative Paysanne de Développement (Coopade) was established in 2014 by 106 members to address a decline in coffee quantity and quality in locally grown coffee, and to make their coffee more competitive on the open market. Currently, the cooperative has 3,909 members (956 women and 2,953 men) aged 18 to 65, located in 21 sectors near Virunga National Park.

From 2018 to 2022 Coopade received support from the Virunga National Park agriculture programme, with activities implemented in partnership with Farm Africa and funded by the European Union. This project strengthened every step of the value chain, from farm management with training in good agricultural practices and the establishment of coffee and other tree nurseries, to post-harvest production and management systems, while building a recognised marketing profile and presence in international markets.

By upgrading the washing stations, the cooperative has been able to increase production and improve the quality of their coffees. A great deal of work on strengthening the internal control systems has enabled them to achieve full traceability and meet the requirements of Fairtrade and Organic certifications. The cooperative achieved Utz (now Rainforest Alliance) and Organic certification in 2017 and obtained its Fairtrade certification in 2020.

Coopade's slogan, ‘Development, our concern,’ reflects its commitment to supporting producers, particularly women. Since 2020, Coopade has empowered women coffee farmers to develop and control their own coffee production, through the 6 washing stations run by the women's section. This includes growing and harvesting the coffee and managing the washing stations to process the coffee once harvested. Thanks to the premiums from the sale of fair trade and organic coffee, the cooperative also provides its members with training on biodiversity protection, protection against diseases, savings and credit between members as well as other complementary trades such as agropastoral. The cooperative continuously invests in modernizing its washing stations to improve coffee quality and quantity. Additionally, they have plans to produce robusta coffee and cocoa and establish their own dry mill. In terms of management, Coopade aims to leverage IT tools for cherry and parchment stock management.

Coopade’s members - © Carl de Keyzer / Magnum Photos

Coopade, under the slogan, ‘Development, our concern’, is undertaking various social initiatives for the community:

Building infrastructure to better access drinking water access.

Providing training for members, paying school fees of certain members’ children and calling on the government to provide grants for university studies.

Maintaining rural tracks to facilitate transport of coffee and improve mobility within the community.


Crispin Muse | Manager |

